asiggment unique features and e-commerce Rizki Ananda Putra, MB-40-INT-3, Nim: 1401164134

eight unique features of internet and web as commercial medium:


when night I want to eat fried rice but a vehicle to get out there, then I think using gojek applications, this application really helped me to be able to order a meal outside and also we could order from a long distance. This application has long been my life and very helpful. gojek applications already known to many by the people of Indonesia and can trust, this application go not only for food but can lead us to the goal in wanted, the advantages of this application is

  1. facilitate us what we need,

  2. when being outside and no vehicles we simply use gojek for coming to us

loss of this application is

  1. we have to be patient when gojek message for me gojek can also pick or not when we message

but it is not in care by the community, because the application is already long in use

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