Assightment_Rafi Suwaid

Rafi suwaid1401164004

  1. The different levels in an organization (strategic, management, operational) have different decision-making requirements. Decision can be structured, semistructured, or unstructured, with structured decisions clustering at the operational level of the organization and unstructured decisions at the strategic level.

  2. Information technology provides new tools for managers to carry out both their traditional and newer roles, enabling them to monitor, plan, and forecast with more precision and speed than ever before and to respond more rapidly to the changing business environment.

  3. A business intelligence environment consists of data from the business environment, the BI infrastructure, a BA toolset, managerial users and method, a BI delivery platform (MIS, DSS, or ESS), and the user interface.

  4. Senior executives making unstructured decisions use dashboards and visual interfaces displating key performance information affecting the overall profitability, success, and strategy of the firm.

  5. DSS help people working together in a group arrive at decisions more efficiently.

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