Syifa Raihana (1401160198) MB-40-INT-3 Assignment MIS 2

Eight unique features of Internet and Web as commercial medium based on my experience

I prefer the features Ubiquity, because I have ever had a cell phone that can only be used text message and telephone. When I want to buy things I need to go far to find a store that suits me and it is not efficient to use the internet I have to go to internet stall and pay they half of the money that parents give and even then there is no online store. But it does not take long been Internet can be used anywhere and anytime, using the Internet we can use to shop, seek knowledge just with the handheld.

Another feature of is Interactivity. Interactivity is something I like, because it makes me feel like I was a valued customer. With the new standards set by the E-Commerce, interactivity is now fairly standard in most businesses you find in marketspace, rating and quality goods. There are agents online to chat with you live if you are having problems with the product, delivery or billing. Shoppee is a good example, because we can ask about the items we want to buy as much detail as possible, and if the goods are not fit to me we could exchange them for other goods or refund that.

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