
Putri Monalisa1401160623

Eight unique features of e-commerece are ubiquity, global reach, universal standards, richness, interactivity, information density, personalization/customization, and social technology.
Ubiquity means internet/web tech is available everywhere. Market place can be created so shopping can happen anywhere.
Based on my experience, I really feel the ubiquity of e-commerece, because it’s really easy for me to do shopping through internet. And I also using m-banking which makes me easier to do it. Even when I’m in a vacation, I can still online shopping, I just need to transfer the money from m-banking, and the product will be sent to my home.
Richness means video, audio, and tech messages are possible.
Based on my experience also, the product will be more attractive and interesting when it has a spesific information, video and picture of of it. For example the product has a video of how to use it, and if we already see how the product works, it makes me more interested to buy the product.

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